Impromptu Coffee House Interlude in Greenville, SC

About This Negativity

let’s contemplate the worth of recounting the things they’ve done wrong
like thrashing racquetballs off the walled confines of a rigid mind
like primal screams losing steam
like fading echoes whose absence leaves absence of all emptier.

About This Coffee House
In Secular Praise of Chai

Spill the Beans =
respite from the cold wind +
the best chai latte i’ve had +
light scrawl on embossed checkerboard tables
(to avoid punctures in consignment shop flyers).

bless the impartial, environmental stimuli
nudging me toward and drawing me gently away
from these simple pleasures/graceful reprieves.

About What More or Less Remains

there is still space for one more stubborn scrawl,
still time before they close the doors on the shivering
Main Street wanderers, expelled from Starbucks
with genuine apologies, with the delicate finesse of catapults.

In Secular Praise of Chai II

i’m not sure i stressed that this chai tea latte has restored my faith in humanity
with its sweet and smooth, its hot and spice, its twelve ounces and no more,
and then return, renewed, to waking life.

About What More or Less Remains II

only three lines left to resonate, but
what do I know about space that you don’t know
about time?